
Development of new projects forms important part of Mayfield´s activities in the Czech Republic. The first succesfully completed project was „Prague Gate“, a commercial complex in Chodov, Prague.

Mayfield´s development activities include:

  • Land acquisition
  • Preparation of the project
  • Organization of necessary planning and building permits
  • Construction contract negotiations
  • Organisation of project financing
  • Marketing of the project
  • Lease negotiations
  • Handover of property to tenants

Following the completion of Prague Gate, Mayfield received a mandate to seek and acquire further development projects within the Central and Eastern European area. Both individual Mayfield projects and turn-key development projects for a specific client are considered.

Mayfield works closely with a select team of consultants and together form a reliable and flexible team, which can guarantee a successful completion while fulfilling all given criteria. In majority of cases Mayfield retains the ownership of the property after its completion and further asset management is provided by the internal asset department.

Marika Pusova,  Leasing & Development manager –




Prague Gate
(9 123 m2 ofice space, category A)
Orange Park
(Orange Park - The first hall sees the light of day)


call:+420 255 719 090
fax:+420 255 711 901
address: Mayfield Real Estate
Opletalova 1603/57

Praha 1
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